We work closely with other healthcare professionals who are part of our Primary Health Care Team working in the community, such as the district nursing team, midwives, health visitors, Care Navigator Service, and emergency response GPs. These services are provided by the Leicester City CCG.
If you have an illness or incapacity that means that you need nursing care in your own home, then the district nurse, will visit you. Patients who are likely to benefit from this service are the housebound, the elderly, people with a terminal illness, and those who have recently been discharged from hospital.
District nurses provide wound care, palliative care, continence advice, health promotion advice and advice on co-ordinating care packages. If you move permanently into a care homelocally, the district nurse may be able to continue your care. Your GP may also be willing to continue to care for you, or a number of GPs may provide services for the residents of local care homes.
Please enquire with the Practice for more information on eligibility for this service.